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Regular price $197.00 USD
Regular price $497.00 USD Sale price $197.00 USD
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Take your relationship and/or marriage to another level by breaking the cycles of dysfunction by tackling the miscommunication in your relationship with your social media power couple Antwan and Samvia Henry!


In this 4-week intensive relationship and marriage boot camp, Antwan and Samvia will be transparent and share testimonials of how they've not only overcome miscommunication but have built a solid foundation for healthy love in their marriage.

A little back story:

Antwan and Samvia started their relationship back in 2010 when they met through a mutual friend. After numbers were exchanged, they quickly agreed to go on a blind date. To their surprise, the two hit it off and fell head over heels ever since. Unfortunately, with both dysfunctional upbringings, the two were faced with communication and infidelity issues almost immediately after getting together. On top of battling through an addiction that led to the incarceration of Antwan. Samvia was left to be a single mother of their 4 children at the time while Antwan was away. These two have not only overcome toxicity in their relationship but they have rebuilt a solid foundation of healthy love not only for themselves but for their children when the two married back in 2017. 

The Henry's are both social media Influencers across all social media platforms. They are known best for their authenticity, vulnerability, and transparency that they share on their platforms about overcoming challenges in their toxic relationship and share keys to building a healthy and strong marital relationship and life. Through the value they bring to their audience, they have built an inclusive community of over 3 MILLION FOLLOWERS in a matter of a few months across all social media platforms. 

The goal of the Henrys is to continue to inspire other couples to embrace the seasons of marriage and learn how to love intentionally.

Antwan and Samvia will facilitate a 4-week course for couples who are married, soon to be married, and everyone else contemplating marriage. This boot camp will run monthly with new classes/topics starting every month. They will run a first-trial couples boot camp for $97 for the month. The 4 classes will be held virtually via Zoom every Thursday starting on May 9th, 2024 from 8-9 PM EST.

Unfortunately: SPOTS ARE LIMITED***

Module 01: Introduction: Live Zoom with Power couple Antwan and Samvia

Module 1: Introductory Live Zoom sharing background and testimony

Module 1: Introduction Pdf

  • Understanding how miscommunication destroys relationships

  • Understanding the value of establishing strong effective communication skills

Module 2: Miscommunication: Learning & Understanding Live Zoom-

  • Learning how to identify poor communication in your relationship

  • Learning how to communicate in love and NOT defense

Module 3: Miscommunication: Learning & Understanding Zoom

  • Learning how to be an active listener

  • Learning how to take accountability and ownership of your actions without deflecting

Module 4: Miscommunication: Learning & Understanding Zoom

  • Learning how to communicate without blaming

  • Learning how to avoid damaging communication pitfalls ie; hitting below the belt and name-calling

Unfortunately: SPOTS ARE LIMITED***

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